Frequent questions
How long does it take for my order to arrive and where do they ship?
All our shipments have a processing time of 1-2 days to leave the warehouse, plus 5 days for delivery. As they are liquid, it is not possible to send them by air, which means that they will arrive between 3-7 days and that depends exclusively of parcels. We ask that you take this into account since we do not have alternative shipping methods to those offered by national parcels.
We ship to the entire Mexican Republic.
What is a non-alcoholic drink?
Non-alcoholic drinks are all those that, as their name suggests, do not contain alcohol, however at Sober Bar we specialize in non-alcoholic drinks in the categories of wines, beers, liquors, non-alcoholic spritzers as well as functional drinks. Therefore, we define non-alcoholic beverages within these categories and with a percentage of less than 2%.
What is a functional drink?
We define functional drinks as all those that fulfill a function in the body and we divide the functions into 4 main ones: digestive function, cognitive function, adaptogenic function and immune function. It means that the ingredients and compounds in the drink can generate a positive effect on your body due to its properties. Although most functional drinks are suitable for all people, it is important that you consult your doctor if you have questions about any ingredient or quantities of certain ingredients in the formulations.
What is a probiotic drink?
The probiotic drinks that you will find in our store are generally fermented products that, through a natural process, contain wild probiotics of certain types (commonly lactobacillus but also others). Important note: it is common for a person with damaged intestinal flora due to poor diet, excess antibiotics, excess stress that has caused acute colitis or gastritis to feel that ferments do not agree with them. There are detoxification protocols that are recommended for people who want to improve their digestion and we suggest you seek professional support for this transition.
What is the limit allowed in the Mexican standard so that a drink does not have to declare its alcoholic content?
In accordance with article 217 of the General Health Law , alcoholic beverages are considered those that contain ethyl alcohol in a proportion of 2% and up to 55% by volume. Any other that contains a higher proportion cannot be marketed as a drink. Read more
Why do some of the drinks they sell emphasize that they contain less than 0.5% alcohol?
Because we are an importer and marketer that includes products imported from the United States where the beverage labeling regulations indicate that any beverage in the category of wines, beers and spirits without alcohol, or removed alcohol, must explicitly indicate that they have less than 0.5% of the alcohol because it is required by law in the US.
In Mexico, it is not required to count an alcohol level of less than 2%.
Why does this difference exist and how much can it affect me?
As we said before, it is an issue of regulations in each country, there are countless foods and beverages that contain less than 2% and that neither Mexican nor American law requires that it be mentioned on their packaging or labels because the effects of those quantities They are imperceptible in the body nor are they considered to have significant side effects.
It is worth mentioning that any food product that contains high levels of natural sugars and that is not pasteurized will always contain a minimum of alcohol because alcohol is a derivative of the fermentation of sugar that is found naturally in many fruits and vegetables. in many grains. For example, some foods that contain alcohol levels between approximately 0.5 and 1.3% without having to be informed in any legend are: breads that went through a fermentation process, any fermented product such as yogurts, kombucha, tibicos or other, beverages based on natural fruits such as pineapple, grape, apple, and orange juices that have been processed for more than a day and have not been pasteurized, and ultra-ripe fruits such as bananas contain alcohol as a result of the oxidation to which the sugars are exposed. of the same.
% alcohol in foods not listed by NIH
Foods that hide alcohol without knowing it
Can I drink these drinks if I am pregnant or undergoing medical treatment where alcohol is prohibited?
We cannot tell you whether or not you should consult with your doctor, however within our platform you will find many products that do not contain alcohol and as long as the ingredients do not harm you you can consume them.