A delicious non-alcoholic cocktail for this national month, sweet and with a touch of acidity. Enjoy the last days of summer with this Watermelon Sour.
50 ml of Mezquila from @runneght
50 ml watermelon juice with basil
70 ml of xuerito from @inmortalmexico
Splash by @aguapatronamia
1. In your blender, put 1/2 watermelon with a generous handful of basil (the leaves of about 10 twigs), blend until completely incorporated and strain the liquid.
2. In a shaker, add ice, 50 ml of mezquila and 30 ml of watermelon juice and shake well, serve a glass over ice.
3. Add Xuerito up to 3/4 of your glass and finish with a touch of mineral water.
4. Serve with a sprig of basil and a slice of lemon.